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I believe by now you have wordpress installed.

Its possible you don't want to get domain name or hosting yet, that's okay... its possible to work locally, that way you don't have to worry about internet, domain name etc.

But of course to be able to use Wordpress on your local computer, you must convert your computer to some sort of "web server". To do this, you can install one of the the already packaged server applications like wamp server, xampp or easyPHP, but for those like me working with linux, you won't be able to use wamp, and probably you might not be able to use xampp out of the box without writing a few lines of terminal code (maybe i'll write about that later), but since i'm convinced that most people out there work with windows, you can just download wamp server, install it and congratulations, your computer is now your personal hosting server (called localhost).

Next step, download wordpress (you should read this), unzip the downloaded file, copy all unzipped files, and put in the htdocs or www of your server folder.

WordPress Login

Once WordPress has been installed on your web server, you can access your WordPress login page from two different URLs.

The first way to access your WordPress Login URL will be in this format:


You can also log in from:


For example, for a new WordPress installation, you can visit yoursite.com/wp-login.php or yoursite.com/wp-admin to login. It might be helpful if you bookmark your site’s login URL.

From your WordPress login screen, you’ll enter the username and
password that you set up during the WordPress installation process.

If you’ve forgotten your WordPress login password, you
can click the “Lost Your password?” link to retrieve it via email.

Now that we are done with installation and login, we can move on to more interesting things...

Don't forget to share.

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